Summary of the poem “Try Again” by William Edward Hickson

1 min readApr 11, 2021


William Edward Hickson has given a very positive message in his reflective poem Try Again. The title of the poem; Try Again, itself tells what the poem is about. The first four lines of the poem have gained popularity, As these summarize the whole theme of the poem.

The poet wants to say that a person fails to achieve his goal on the first or second attempt. He should never lose heart. He should work harder till he succeeds. He should show courage, determination, perseverance, and patience in every harsh situation.

In case of failure, we should accept it courageously and never fear. We must prove that working hard is not a shame. If we keep on trying devotedly, the reward seeks us eventually.

It is a didactic poem. Each stanza follows a different rhyming pattern. Poet has intentionally repeated the sentence try again, eight times in the poem. By doing so, he has tried to encourage the reader to be steadfast in his effort. Thus, the poem gives a universal message.




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